Monday, July 3, 2023

Dubai desert safari, Is that a phone attached to your ear or are you just bored to be with us! Our evening session..

This evening we joined a cruise critic tour to redo the Desert Safari, we thought it would be nice to share the experience with my sister and Brian.  It was a large group that was gathering at the exit of the terminal, still in air-conditioning as it was so hot outside. 

Thinking we were being picked up in a bus, the 4-wheel drives turned up at the terminal to pick us up.  With the announcement of “Everyone follow me”, like rats we followed the Pied piper, Mr Adil Badshah (owner of the company that was used). 

We all scrambled into cars, but for some reason there were 18 passengers that were not accommodated.  Did we pick up extra’s from the entrance or was there a miscommunication with numbers nobody knows. 

Our driver's name was “Jusan” well that was what I heard from the very back seat.  Driving at speeds of over 120km we became a little concern as the whole time he was preoccupied talking on his phone.  Hang on, not one phone but 2….  “look everyone, no hands” as he scrolled through the whats app photos and video he just received.  He only ended one conversation as another call came through….  For an hour and a half we listened to his animated Arabic conversation until we reached where our safari was to start.

At least in this shot he is looking at the road.. this was not always the case.

No big instruction from Jusan, but we worked out that we were to wait at the entrance until the tires were all let down and all of our cars had arrived to start caravan through the desert. Thanks to the other drivers. Finally, we were called back to our cars and we entered the sandy desert.

Down the back of Bus!!

Cold Rock Ice-cream ... I am thinking Oreos

Passionfruit Mojito .... well why not

Please Garry leave it to the experts

 The drive was thrilling, as we traversed and roller coasted over the dunes, made more thrilling as we noticed that our driver was still driving with one hand on the wheel and the other holding his phone to his ear.

Sorry about the de mister lines... my view was only out the back window.

Stopped midway for a photo stop then off again. 

closest to a sunset we got

 To our surprise we were actually driving back out of the desert.  Stopping to have the tires pumped up again, so our camp for dinner and show was located somewhere else.

Unfortunately, we missed the sunset as we were still on the road trying to get to the evening's entertainment.

Once again, our driver left us without instruction, and we were hounded by staff trying to convince us to pay extra to sit in the VIP section.  It was not until Mr Badshah turned up to tell us that we did have a special section for us to sit and enjoy dinner and show. Grr to our driver.

 In true Bedouin fashion we sat on pillows on the ground while we enjoyed our middle eastern dinner of BBQ Lamb, chicken, Dhal, salad and rice.

Inking ... Henna Style

The entertainment was great with Belly, Tanoura (Skirt) and fire dancing. At the end of the evening, we all went out the front of the camp, and just incase our driver did not make us cross enough with his phone shenanigans, we were the last group standing waiting for him to come and collect us…. 

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